Certificate Popups are common in a secured environment or while accessing the internal applications. It is a basically a way to authenticate the users accessing the application.
Yes, I know..! This is annoying for automation testers.
To overcome this annoying feature and yet without compromising on security, we have to make certain settings on each browser. These settings enable us to have smooth automation.
The fix is very simple, let the browser know which certificate to select as default one. Thus stops asking you for a client certificate. Follow the settings mentioned below based on the browser:
- This approach will help when you have no or only single certificate added to browser.
- This approach is tested on windows OS.
Mozilla Firefox:
Step 1: Import Certificate
- Open Firefox > Options > Certificates > View Certificates > Your Certificates.
- Click Import & follow instructions to import a certificate(*.pfx)
- After Import, Success Message will be popped up.