Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Native App Automation using Appium

In the Mobile world, we see multiple types of apps namely Native App, Hybrid App & the browser based application, Web App. Also, we see multiple types of operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, Firefox OS etc.

Automated testing of these many variation of apps, is very tricky & difficult task. Not all of them are supported by single automation tool. Having said that, Appium which is built over Selenium webdriver supports most of the OS & apps with different configurations.

In this article, you would know a way to automate the Native App using AndroidDriver.


  1. Android SDK is downloaded and installed. (ANDROID_HOME env. variable should be set)
  2. Either Emulator or  Real device (USB debugging enabled) is available.
  3. Appium desktop app or non GUI package is installed. 


  1. Create a java project in eclipse 'AppiumMobileTesting'.
  2. Create a class 'TestNativeApp' to add the automation code.
  3. Connect your device(USB debugging enabled), to system's USB port & accept if any confirmation pop ups.