Below are list of frequently used commands. This would come very handy while working with docker & kubernetes.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Dockers and Kubernetes Cheat sheet
Sl No. | Commands | Purpose |
1 | docker --version | Docker Version |
2 | docker version | Docker Version Detailed |
3 | docker images | Docker image list |
4 | docker ps | Containers List (running) |
5 | docker ps -a | Containers List |
5 | docker system df | Summary of the System space used |
6 | docker logs [CONTAINER] | List the logs from a running container |
7 | docker port [CONTAINER] | Show port (or specific) mapping for a container |
8 | docker top [CONTAINER] | Show running processes in a container |
CONTAINER COMMANDS | 9 | docker run [image:version] | Create container |
10 | docker create [IMAGE] | Create container (without starting it) |
11 | docker run --rm [IMAGE] | Create container & remove container after it exits |
12 | docker run -td [IMAGE] | Create container & keep it running |
13 | docker run -it [IMAGE] | Create container & allocates a pseudo-TTY connected to the container’s stdin, and creates an interactive bash shell in the container |
14 | docker run -it-rm [IMAGE] | Create container & runs a command inside the container. Once it executes the command, the container is removed |
15 | docker stop [containerName] | Stop Container |
15 | docker stop $(docker ps -q) | Stop all running Containers |
16 | docker start [CONTAINER] | Start Container |
17 | docker rm [CONTAINER] | Remove container (if not running) |
18 | docker builder prune --all | Remove all unused build cache |
19 | docker restart [CONTAINER] | Stop a running container and start it up again |
20 | docker pause [CONTAINER] | Pause processes in a running container |
21 | docker unpause [CONTAINER] | UnPause processes in a running container |
22 | docker rename [CONTAINER_NAME] [NEW_CONTAINER_NAME] | Rename existing container |
23 | docker wait [CONTAINER] | Block a container until others stop (after which it prints their exit codes) |
24 | docker kill [CONTAINER] | Kill a container by sending a SIGKILL to a running container |
25 | docker attach [CONTAINER] | Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container |
26 | docker run [IMAGE] [COMMAND] | Run a command in a new container |
27 | docker rm -f ${docker ps -a -q} | Remove all running containers |
28 | docker attach [CONTAINER] | Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container |
29 | docker exec -it [container] bash | Run a command in the running container |
30 | docker container cp [localfolder] [containerName:/tmp] | Copy files from local to container |
31 | docker container [containerName] [command] i.e commands like ls, tmp | Execute commands inside the container |
32 | docker container commit [containerName] shiv/newImgname:1.0 | Create new image from running container |
33 | docker container commit –change'CMD ["java","-jar","/tmp/testapp.jar"]' [containerName] shiv/newImgname:2.0 | Create new image from running container & make any app run when the image is started. |
33 | docker container prune | Remove all stopped containers |
34 | docker run -d -p 5000:5000 |
Run docker image in a detached mode with a new port |
35 | docker pull [IMAGE] | Pull Image from the registry |
36 | docker push [IMAGE] | Push Image to the registry |
37 | docker build -t sva01/apache:2.0 . | Build and tag image |
38 | docker build -f dockerfiles/Dofile.debug -t myapp_debug . | Build and tag image with the given file |
39 | docker commit [CONTAINER] [NEW_IMAGE_NAME] | Create an image from a container |
40 | docker rmi [IMAGE] | Remove an image |
41 | docker network ls | List Networks |
43 | docker network rm [NETWORK] | Remove one or more networks |
44 | docker network inspect [NETWORK] | Show information on one or more networks |
45 | docker network connect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER] | Connects a container to a network |
46 | docker network disconnect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER] | Disconnect a container from a network |
47 | docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] up | Start containers with docker-compose file |
48 | docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] up -d | Start containers with docker-compose file & Run containers in the background |
49 | docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] down | Stops containers specified in docker-compose file |
50 | kubectl create -f |
To create service,deployment, Relication controller etc. |
51 | kubectl get pods | To the list of pods running in a kubernate cluster |
52 | kubectl get all | To list all pods, services, RCs etc |
53 | minikube dashboard | To view the kuberenetes dashboard if you have installed minikube |
54 | kubectl delete rc –all | To delete all Replication controllers |
55 | kubectl delete rc [rc name] | To delete specific Replication controller |
56 | kubectl get rc | To get the list of RCs |
57 | kubectl delete pods –all | To delete all pods |
58 | kubectl delete pod [podname] | To delete specific pod |
59 | kubectl delete deploy –all | To delete all deployments |
60 | kubectl logs [podname] | To get logs from specific pod |
61 | kubectl describe service | To get details about service |
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