Thursday, 23 September 2021

Dockers and Kubernetes Cheat sheet

Below are list of frequently used commands. This would come very handy while working with docker & kubernetes.

Docker & Kubernetes Commands 

Sl No.CommandsPurpose
1 docker --version Docker Version
2 docker version Docker Version Detailed
3 docker images Docker image list
4 docker ps Containers List (running)
5 docker ps -a Containers List
5 docker system df Summary of the System space used
6 docker logs [CONTAINER] List the logs from a running container
7 docker port [CONTAINER] Show port (or specific) mapping for a container
8 docker top [CONTAINER] Show running processes in a container
9 docker run [image:version] Create container
10 docker create [IMAGE] Create container (without starting it)
11 docker run --rm [IMAGE] Create container & remove container after it exits
12 docker run -td [IMAGE] Create container & keep it running
13 docker run -it [IMAGE] Create container & allocates a pseudo-TTY connected to the container’s stdin, and creates an interactive bash shell in the container
14 docker run -it-rm [IMAGE] Create container & runs a command inside the container. Once it executes the command, the container is removed
15 docker stop [containerName] Stop Container
15 docker stop $(docker ps -q) Stop all running Containers
16 docker start [CONTAINER] Start Container
17 docker rm [CONTAINER] Remove container (if not running)
18 docker builder prune --all Remove all unused build cache
19 docker restart [CONTAINER] Stop a running container and start it up again
20 docker pause [CONTAINER] Pause processes in a running container
21 docker unpause [CONTAINER] UnPause processes in a running container
22 docker rename [CONTAINER_NAME] [NEW_CONTAINER_NAME] Rename existing container
23 docker wait [CONTAINER] Block a container until others stop (after which it prints their exit codes)
24 docker kill [CONTAINER] Kill a container by sending a SIGKILL to a running container
25 docker attach [CONTAINER] Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
26 docker run [IMAGE] [COMMAND] Run a command in a new container
27 docker rm -f ${docker ps -a -q} Remove all running containers
28 docker attach [CONTAINER] Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
29 docker exec -it [container] bash Run a command in the running container
30 docker container cp [localfolder] [containerName:/tmp] Copy files from local to container
31 docker container [containerName] [command] i.e commands like ls, tmp Execute commands inside the container
32 docker container commit [containerName] shiv/newImgname:1.0 Create new image from running container
33 docker container commit –change'CMD ["java","-jar","/tmp/testapp.jar"]' [containerName] shiv/newImgname:2.0 Create new image from running container & make any app run when the image is started.
33 docker container prune Remove all stopped containers
34 docker run -d -p 5000:5000 Run docker image in a detached mode with a new port
35 docker pull [IMAGE] Pull Image from the registry
36 docker push [IMAGE] Push Image to the registry
37 docker build -t sva01/apache:2.0 . Build and tag image
38 docker build -f dockerfiles/Dofile.debug -t myapp_debug . Build and tag image with the given file
39 docker commit [CONTAINER] [NEW_IMAGE_NAME] Create an image from a container
40 docker rmi [IMAGE] Remove an image
41 docker network ls List Networks
43 docker network rm [NETWORK] Remove one or more networks
44 docker network inspect [NETWORK] Show information on one or more networks
45 docker network connect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER] Connects a container to a network
46 docker network disconnect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER] Disconnect a container from a network
47 docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] up Start containers with docker-compose file
48 docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] up -d Start containers with docker-compose file & Run containers in the background
49 docker-compose -f [dockercomposeFile] down Stops containers specified in docker-compose file
50 kubectl create -f To create service,deployment, Relication controller etc.
51 kubectl get pods To the list of pods running in a kubernate cluster
52 kubectl get all To list all pods, services, RCs etc
53 minikube dashboard To view the kuberenetes dashboard if you have installed minikube
54 kubectl delete rc –all To delete all Replication controllers
55 kubectl delete rc [rc name] To delete specific Replication controller
56 kubectl get rc To get the list of RCs
57 kubectl delete pods –all To delete all pods
58 kubectl delete pod [podname] To delete specific pod
59 kubectl delete deploy –all To delete all deployments
60 kubectl logs [podname] To get logs from specific pod
61 kubectl describe service To get details about service

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